Hydroponic Farming
The science of soil-less gardening is called hydroponics. It basically involves growing healthy plants without the use of a traditional soil medium by using a nutrient like a mineral rich water solution instead. A plant just needs select nutrients, some water, and sunlight to grow.
India being a agriculturally intensive country has a lot of scope in terms of what can be done. Yes, it is back to the basics for us. It is not high-tech, it is not supply-chain intensive, it is fresh, free from chemicals, the land requirement is quite low, water consumption is 80 percent less, the water is recycled and saved, and for some it is not even weather dependent and voila it is insanely profitable.
A simple hub and spoke model (similar to cloud kitchen) combined with service subscription of various packages can reduce the money and effort it takes to ship a so called pesticide free green food, which by now should have been mainstream.
We have figured out how to go to space yet, not figured out how to eat healthy. Why is eating healthy so hard in our country? Why is quality control and production a nearly impossible metric to figure out in such a huge sector which has tremendous impact on our economy and people as a whole? And yet we think blindly throwing money at yogna's will suddenly make every farmer and consumers life better.