The myth of "I am fine"
You all must have heard of how our bodies are a well oiled machine and what staying awake late, not having food on time, drugs, alcohol, junk food can do to your body.
I think the basic messaging is wrong. Like everything, humans want and think they can have anything that is an option. Which is why we were given an adrenaline gland (fight or flight response) that gave us the sensation of fear and anxiety while trying to hunt lions. This very mechanism prevents us from understanding the basic tenet of danger for our bodies. Well that worked well for our holy ancestors whose sole job was to hunt and gather food and had no other option but to sleep and have sex at night. But it really doesn't work for the "modern humans" as the so called lions (read "stress triggers") are literally everywhere.
Some instances:
- Crossing a road (a fast moving metal body can kill you)
- Driving a car (a stupid human can come in front of you and kill itself and send you in jail)
- A time sensitive report did not get submitted (A human shaped lion sitting in the office can eat you)
Fast forward to 2019 from our ancestor days, not much time for evolution to make us super humans, but our brains figured out ways to create the "so-called modern lifestyle". We created lights, phones, chips, cold drinks, sugar, and basically whatever gave us the immediate rush of feeling happy and satisfied without considering the dangers (otherwise named as "side-effects"). Which is why we have to baby proof our apartments, while gorilla babies can run around the jungle and don't require much of baby proofing. They are not curious by nature. (Else they would have made a tiny gizmo for themselves for communicating with like minded gorillas)
Human bodies are very intricate, we understand quite a lot of it now, but not enough yet. So, preventive steps work quite well when it comes to saving a stupidly intelligent and evolutionary mature human. Yes the so called intelligent creatures often forget to protect themselves, or maybe the genetically defined dangers such as lion and tiger or falling off have modified overtime. Now the danger is when you gain weight disproportionately, or loose too much weight quickly and drop sizes without making any change to your diet or lifestyle. This is when your highly evolved machinery is trying to compensate for some non-functional part of your body and showing as a physical symptom. Or maybe you are tired consistently, despite having slept for enough number of hours. And these symptoms persist for months. If and when that happens, save yourself and save a life by going to the doctor and getting some basic tests. A simple blood test can tell you what is wrong with you and then you can work on fixing it. Staying oblivious to a lion in the drawing room just because we cannot see it, is not a cool homo sapient move.
Most times, the problem is really simple, our awesome team of medical doctors all over the world, can do a lot and give you your second chance if and only if you have gone to them on time. If not, the best case scenario is you live, but riddled with medicines since the age of 21, (yeah college students can and are often getting diseases that can cripple your so called super human productivity for the rest of your life) and the worst case scenario is you are given a death sentence.
Now my beloved homo sapiens, it is really up-to you, whether you want to haul your ass to get that preventative checkup that has been due this year or go to the doctor when it is too late.