End of a decade: good initiatives that got lost in the noise of bad news
2019, Dec 31
- TeamTrees: YouTubers, Silicon Valley, and fans help MrBeast raise $20 million for tree charity
https://www.theverge.com/2019/12/19/21026379/mrbeast-team-trees-youtube-charity-20-million-elon-musk-jack-dorsey-pewdiepie - April 2019: We got the first-ever photo of a black hole.
- August 2017: We experienced a total solar eclipse. Next one happening in 2024
- The 2010s also saw the CRISPR–Cas9 technique harnessed in the cause of genome editing.
- The collision of two black holes helped confirm the existence of gravitational waves, a century after they were predicted in Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
- China’s development of quantum information technologies is just one indication of the nation’s remarkable rise as a research superpower. Chinese scientists have used quantum methods to secure long-distance data transmission, for example by pioneering the use of quantum teleportation to send information across the world securely by satellite, and by installing an inter-city fiber-optic network that constitutes the first stages of a quantum internet.