Pandemic Corona Story 4

2020, Jun 14    
All the people who are crying and asking about why the actor killed himself when he was doing so well?
Well depression is not rational. If a person kills oneself because the said person was facing some challenges in life (economical, societal etc), then that is not a suicide due to depression, it is suicide due to the failure of societal strata.
When depression hits a person's body, the changes happen chemically. Know that whenever you are happy or sad, it is governed by the chemicals in your body. When clinical depression exists, it is often this imbalance that tricks the body into going into a swirl. So what are the things that you can do?
Scenario 1: You are in depression
  1. Signs are: losing interest in self-care, earlier tasks of joy or hobbies no longer interest you despite your life surrounded by friends, family and loved ones, and you don't seem to have any economical existential crisis. (Basically, perennial sadness even when you are doing well in life)
  2. Get a basic blood chemical panel (sugar, cholesterol, tsh, vitamin) test. Something in your body has disturbed the chemical equilibrium. (Costs about 2-3k) If abnormal go to a doc and followup till you solve it
  3. If step 2 is normal, then visit a doc, who specializes in mental health.

Either ways, you don't have to absolutely reach out to your judgemental friends unless you want to.

Scenario 2: Someone you know is in depression (they tell you, or you spot or suspect it)

  2. Say, "I am here if you need me"
  3. Do not give advice unless asked for like go to a therapist (you might just push the person away from that)
  4. It is a lot like bird watching (they are extremely sensitive, and can fly away if you go too close too quickly)
  5. If asked for help under confession, say "I am not an expert here, I think you deserve the best care, let's go see someone, I will take you and be there with you the whole time"

Depression is usually solved by a temporary or permanent medication if the chemicals are disturbed (sometimes if caught early, medication is not even required). But always take advice from a professional not from your expert friend of webmd.

This is a topic of extreme importance especially in the face of a worldwide pandemic.