Medicine is frowned upon for being profitable
I think the basic harsh truth that acceptance that doctors are mere human mortals trying to earn a living as any other profession or a hospital actually running as a profitable business is so lost on people. Maybe because it is hard to reconcile that a loved one can be saved if they have more rectangle shaped paper, and that God didn’t intend to kill or let live a person, it is the inherent inability of our economics to catch up to make science affordable!
In a country where, licenses are being cancelled for 450 doctors for showing grievances about tardiness of an approved salary hike. Is this the way to incentivize more and more people to join the medical force? Isn’t the basic rule of all economics that if your supply is limited, prices drive up?
Is this common sense lost on people as well? Whenever I bring this up in arguments with people, the conversation immediately drops to some instances of corruption in some hospitals to overcharge a patient massively. That’s a different topic which requires a robust patient rights and grievance redressal system discussion. Then it goes on to that any redressal system does not work! Because again supply demand and lack of fast action systems!
We can get lost all we want, but the end of the day before solving all the complications of the healthcare system which is detailed in a 4 hrs podcast here:
Understanding Indian Healthcare
I think what we can do is respect the profession and professionals and allow them the right to protection, asking for hikes and appropriate appraisals. That can encourage more of our next generation to add to the force and lessen the supply demand gap that currently exists. Heck, if that idiotic BSNL employee can ask for appraisals why can’t a person in white coat who can actually heal people.