Why humans have a hard time solving their own problems?

2021, Jan 28    

Many occasions in my own life and through others journey in their lives, I have often seen that when we get into trouble, or sense trouble we go into this negative feedback loop that converts into full blown panic. Sometimes there is this teeny tiny voice in the head that warns us of the trigger, and our mind goes into this tunnel vision of the dark path ahead. For instance, when at the age of 25 while running two start-ups, I suddenly found myself in fever for months on end and shitting about 4-5 times a day. Imagine the panic in an already always stressed start-up owner’s mind. You think the worst, and then some more and just try to burry yourself in work to escape the thoughts, only to lay wide awake at night scared of what the heck is going on with this earthly homo sapiens body. But its simple, once you had help, doc says you just have IBS and an anxiety problem. For those who don’t know what this means, it means I have subjected my body to so much stress that it decides to take a crap every time I subject stress to it now. Solution: simple, manage stress and anxiety.

Now, for us humans it is important to set a system instead of a goal. Meaning, if I say “Oh, I am going to have to learn how not to take any stress” it is never going to work. Instead, I must work on a system, that creates a habit by changing the fundamental identity. For instance, I can say, I am a healthy person, all my medical reports are normal, I just must manage my stress so that it does not overwhelm the earthly human body. Now habits to manage may include journaling, blogging, meditating, talking to someone about this. But habits are not formed without a system. There is a very good Youtube video by Ali on this.

Habits need to be triggered in cue, that leads to craving. You respond in a manner that works towards a positive system and finally a reward. For me anxiety attacks are a cue, that often leads to a craving for temporary happiness like shopping or social media. I respond to it by meditating or journaling or blogging, and once anxiety is no longer there, I reward myself with 5 -10 mins of plant or other mindless thing I like doing.

In short, humans have a hard time solving their own problems due to a massive, panicked tunnel vision that sets in, especially with a health related problem, and the only way that can be changed is by creating a specially curated system that works for the human.